We exist to beat dementia
Philanthropists play a crucial role in funding race against dementia


Today there is no cure for dementia. But the race can be won. We encourage and strengthen Race Against Dementia scientists as they scale up their research programmes – more funding, growth and exposure.

Philanthropists play a crucial role in funding our work. If you would like to support us and make a significant gift, we will work with you to find an area of our work which interests you and enables you to make a meaningful contribution for dementia research.

We’d love to hear from you, please email  fundraising@raceagainstdementia.com.

Hear what people affected by dementia have to say about Race Against Dementia

“I have suffered from a loved one being afflicted by the dreaded dementia. I am delighted to support Sir Jackie and Race Against Dementia in their plan to accelerate finding a cure or a treatment for dementia. Let’s hope that the RAD Fellows make a significant breakthrough very soon.”

Major Donor


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